
June/July 2005
(Contest reated by Libby Perry)

I sincerly apologize for the delay in June's contest. Relocating to a new house and having lightning strike the computer delayed me for about 3 entire weeks. All that said, we will be combining June and July's contest into one! So here goes...
Every picture tells a story "they say" and Jars' album covers are no exception. July's contest was simple. You were to match the album cover clue with its title.

Congratulations to our winner, Patty Case! Patty will receive an Eleventh Hour T-Shirt Circa 2002 with a picture of the album cover on it.

List of Album Cover Clues:

 1.  This album cover is a skyline shot of Seattle, Washington. (photo courtesy of Dan Haseltine)

 2.  This album cover spotlights four rather diminutive looking guys in front of enormous grain silos.

 3.  This album cover spotlights the same four rather diminutive looking guys in a small square in the center of the cover

 4.  This album cover showcases a blue Indian elephant, fondly known as Agnes, with hay on her back.

 5.  This album cover shows a rather giddy man clothed in only swim trunks and holding the hand of an equally giddy female...(go figure?)

 6.  This special album cover showcases a photograph of a 1940s old car radio.

 7.  This special album cover is a twin of Agnes, but with a red hue.

 8.  This album cover shows a meditating solitary bird sitting on a budding twig.

 9.  This album cover features still shots of Jars' Sputnik Recording Studio.

10.  This special project album cover shows four rather diminutive looking guys sitting inside a glass mayonnaise jar.

BONUS.  This album cover shows a plain silver background sporting just the letters j-a-r-s o-f c-l-a-y in white.

List of Albums to Chose From:

 1.  The Eleventh Hour

 2.  Much Afraid

 3.  Front Yard Luge

 4.  Jars of Clay (Jars' self-titled album)

 5.  Jars of Clay Platinum

 6.  If I Left the Zoo

 7.  Redemption Songs

 8.  White Elephant Sessions

 9.  Who We Are Instead

10.  Furthermore: From the Studio/From the Stage

11.  Jar of Gems

Correct Answers:

 1. The Eleventh Hour
 2. Who We Are Instead
 3. Jars of Clay (self-titled)
 4. If I Left the Zoo
 5. Much Afraid
 6. Front Yard Luge
 7. White Elephant Sessions
 8. Redemption Songs
 9. Furthermore: From the Studio/From the Stage
10. Jar of Gems
Bonus: Jars of Clay Platinum