Talk about strange and ghouly... who was the wacko that invented this contest?? To prove we're not "much afraid" to try anything here at jarchives, we're asking the creepy question:

"If Jars of Clay went trick-or-treating this Halloween, where would they go and what would they dress up as?"

Be creative, be loony, be scary... be controversial ;), but give us your story of 500 words or less. Contest entries will be judged by our world renowned panel of trick-or-treaters here at jarchives.com. Contest ends on Halloween at midnight, eastern time! (bwahahahaha!!!), and the best entries will be posted here!

Since this is our October contest, we think it's appropriate to give away an autographed edition of CCM Magazine's October 1995 issue. This was the first time Jars' countenances ever graced the cover! It has a neat article and a ton of history! Good luck with your stories!

Congratulations, D. Willard!

It was a beautiful, clear and crisp night for Halloween. The Jars were all gathered over at Charlie's house for a cookout and to pass out candy. The Lowells lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with lots of kids. Between flipping burgers and answering the doorbell, there wasn't much time to sit around.

Later after supper and after all the neighborhood kids had to go in to get some sleep before the next school day, the guys were sitting around relaxing. Steve asked, "Hey do any of you guys know a scary but true Halloween ghost story? I'm not talking about making something up. I mean something that really happened to you."

"Well," said Dan, "I'll tell you what happened to me and Matt last summer. It wasn't on Halloween, but it was really scary."

"Yeah, Dan got pretty nervous, but I was ok the whole time," added Matt.

"Right," said Charlie, "but let's hear Dan's version of the story first."

"Ok, do you remember when Matt and I decided to go night fishing for hybrids down on Nickajack Lake? Well, about midnight it was very still. We were bored because the fish weren't biting, and we noticed out in the distance a white object floating."

Matt interupted, "And Dan thought it was a cooler a first, but it turned out to be much closer to us than we thought."

"And we started to hear a low voice as the object floated closer. We heard.....it floats, it floooooats, it flooooats, it floats. It was a very mournful moaning voice. The object kept getting closer and closer and the voice was getting louder."

"What did you do?" asked Steve.

"Well," said Matt, "As I told you Dan was acting a little shaky, but he finally blurted out....What floats?"

"Then we got an answer," said Dan, "IVORY SOAP."