Encounter? You Might Say That!From: SlicrSnipe@aol.com My Up-close an personal Jars encounter turned into something of an adventure! I get long-winded, but bear with me. Here goes: I had been a Jars fan for a few years, but I had always considered them in the context of a massive concert setting with 85,000 people (Think CreationFest). I'd seen the guys perform several times, but never up close and personal. When I heard that Jars of Clay would be performing in a series featuring Michael W. Smith and other renowned artists at Well, I signed up to work at the festival. I had noble intentions, sure. But I have to admit that some small part of me wanted that green staff polo so that I could nuzzle right up to the stage! The concert rocked, needless to say, and I was elated to watch the concert from only s few yards away! Now this is where the fun began. Michael W. had played the night before, so I was pretty familiar with how the stage crew got the artists safely to their trailer. It was about 20 degrees, mind you, so they went from the stage to the hospitality tent (closed to the public), then to the trailer (also closed to the public). Now at this point, I didn't exactly consider myself the public. After all I was Jars of Clay's Numero Uno fan! So what lengths would this fan go to to pal around with his heroes? You'd be surprised. I wasn't authorized to go backstage to the tent or the trailers, even with my nifty staff shirt. Here's a hint, though: If you walk with a purpose, people usually don't ask too many questions. Another hint is, there are usually SEVERAL entrances to a stadium, and some are left unguarded. That's all I'm going to say. The theme from My resolve and cunning were nearly for nothing, since when Jars finally made their way to the trailer, they were themselves freezing, and with no less than a 4-man escort. Well, I had been through too much to be daunted now, so I decided to take the initiative. I marched right up to Charlie and stuck out my hand. He shook it, looking a little out of sorts, and with a panicked expression, made for the trailer. One of the burly escorts took this opportunity to admonish me with a stern "Son, we've got to get these guys inside and warm... we'll have to ask you to leave." That would be the end of the story, had Dan Haseltine himself not intervened. Peeking around the mountain of dude in front of him, Dan observed my shivering form. He must have been sympathetic, because he said, "Hey, if you want to talk..." I think my jaw hit the ground. So anyway, the rest is a blur. I know Dan introduced me to the rest of the band, a few roadies, By now, about a hundred fans had assembled outside the fence, and had been watching me and Dan talk. I was oblivious to their presence until I left the trailer area, at which point I felt about ten feet tall. I've gotten pretty good at telling the story. If these accounts pass in front of any of the guys in the band, I'd like to say thanks, especially to Dan Haseltine. Charlie, congrats on the twins! Dan, congratuations to you and yours as well. Keep it real, fellas, and God bless! -Ken Krahl III |