"HEART OF STONE TURNED TO CLAY" crosspoet7@hotmail.com (Geraldo Alonso II) |
This poem was inspired by JOC and their songs "Fade to Grey" and "Faith Like
a Child."
my heart is made of stone
it used to be like clay
back when i had faith...
like that of a child
i want to be that
but he's a missing person
no where to be found
i long to have that
joy, that love, that peace...
but there is a stone
in the way
i want to feel the hands of
the mighty potter
working the clay
that is my life...
i long to feel You
i long for that comfort
that grace
break-down the walls
of stone around my heart
take my frail life
and build it up into a
thing of beauty
a thing of service...
i turn my heart over to
transform me i am
Yours to shape
to form, to care for
i am the clay and
You are the potter.